Monday, November 03, 2008

This says it...

I thought this article articulated the way I've been thinking about this election, thought I'd share it. Big fans of either candidate won't like it, but it definitely reflects where I'm at with it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Le Jardin

I got the garden planted a few weekends ago.

This year, we've got basil, sugar snap peas, pole beans, 4 kinds of tomato, 3 kinds of bell pepper, a cucumber, brocolli, and a watermelon (not actually in the garden). I have a little room left where I think I'll plant one more cucumber and some lettuce. Also planted some asparagus, but don't think we can expect anything from that for a couple years.

Here are some pics of the baby version of this year's garden.

Okay, so I cant get the dang picture button to work, so just imagine a bunch of dirt with lots of little plants in it.

My new grill

Okay, so I've had my eye on this grill for the past 2 years or so, and I tended to make a point of looking at it when I would go to Menards or Lowes. Well, a month or so ago, we (the fam) made a trip to Menards for mulch, and I told Sara I just wanted to take a quick look at the grill.

She told me I should just buy it. I hesitated. She insisted. Said it could be an anniversary present, father's day present, and a party expense for our BBQ for Caleb's b-day. I lost the will-power to resist, lugged it, and the side fire box into 2 carts, and brought it home (after paying for it, of course).

I promised Sara I'd make a post about it, so here it is.

I'm loving it. It's my first charcoal grill, and it's a beauty. Huge cooking surface, barrel shape. But the real kicker is that side fire box that allows you to smoke, doing "real BBQ."

So far, I've done ribs, tips, chicken breasts, aspargus, potatoes, baked beans (they tend to fall through the cracks in the grill grate a lot), and burgers. This weekend, I'd like to try smoking a whole chicken (on the grill, that is).

So, if you are reading this and want to come over for some 'Q, please do...I'm still learning, so I don't make any promises, but I love to have an excuse to practice.


Tonight, we had a mentor gathering at our house. It's the first time we (Sara and I / the mentoring program) have ever done something like this. I BBQ'd, we all just hung out and got to know each other more, and spent a good chunk of time praying together for each other, for our mentees, and for the Austin community. Ever since we bought this house, I've dreamt about it being a place where we could build a sense of community with other folks, praying together, and encouraging each other. Tonight I got to see that happen for the first time, and I'm encouraged by it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I got nothin to say

Sara keeps asking me to post something, but I'm going through a season where I really don't have a lot to say, and I'll leave it up to Sara to keep peeps updated on what's happening in our life.

Sorry 'bout that.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Leave a comment...

....if you want Dan to post something. I've been bugging him for weeks. :-)


Friday, March 07, 2008


Monday, March 03, 2008

J'ai un mal a la tete

Today is the 15th day in a row that I've had a headache.

Yes, I have a doctor's appointment.

My theory is that it can be attributed to lack of sleep. Caleb hasn't been sleeping well lately; neither have we.

It's annoying. I feel like my thinking is really cloudy, too.

That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ampersand EP

Derek Webb and his wife, Sandra McCracken pre-released their first duet album (EP) today. Not surprised, but I'm liking it quite a bit...You can listen to it free at Some good, honest love songs.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A Couple Things

First, thanks to all of you who commented on my last post. I appreciate all of your encouraging words and the concern you have for my family. I think that I got more comments on that post than I had previously received altogether. Maybe I need to vent more in this forum...

I recognize that my last post may lead some people to believe we're living in Compton or something (that's a reference to gangsta rap from the early '90's for those of you who don't know...I've never been to Compton, unless you count vicarious experiences listening to dub tapes of Eazy-E and Ice Cube as a punk kid growing up in small town sounded like a pretty rough place)...But my point is that, yes, things go on in our neighborhood that are quite disconcerting, but not to the extent that the boys are being exposed to them or put directly in harm's way; I hope and pray that I won't be careless or reckless in my responsibility to care for Sara and the boys.

Still waiting for a renewed sense of clear direction; there's nothing like a sense of calling to keep you in a place that isn't always comfortable. Again, thanks for all the comments and encouragement.

On another note, I found videos of a couple of my favorite speakers/authors that I would love to share. The first one is Brennan Manning (wrote The Ragamuffin Gospel); Sara and I heard him give this talk at a retreat for young adults in our first year of marriage. This talk is about the love of God. In my opinion, one of the best talks I've ever heard.

The second one is by Shane Claiborne, sort of a hippie-type guy who I think is a remarkable example of living out God's love for the poor and marginalized. He is our age, spent several months living and working with Mother Theresa and is now doing some good things in Philly. In this talk, he basically tells his story, which I think is pretty inspiring.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Need discernment

For the most part, living where we live is good. I like it.

But sometimes living in the " 'hood" sucks. Nothing happened to me; it's just that sometimes you see and hear stuff that is pretty terrible...stuff that really makes you wonder if it's best to stay.

I need discernment to know whether this is where God wants us. Because if He doesn't, then I'm intent on leaving. But if He does, then I need the resolve to keep us here.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Gabe makes me laugh

Last night, I came home from work after stopping by the grocery store, and Sara and the boys were upstairs. Sara was putting Caleb to bed, and Gabe was playing by himself in his room. He heard me come in the front door and was pretty excited that I came home, which is always a nice boost. Now I remember just a few months ago, counting on my hands the number of words Gabe used in a sentence. I think what he said last night from the top of the stairs as I came in the front door must be some kind of new personal record:

"Hi Daddy. Look, I have Mommy's phone. Did you get a lot of stuff? I had a lollipop but I threw it away because it was all gone. I'm wearing three necklaces. I have Mommy's phone; it lights up."

This is probably one of those "you had to be there" things, but it made Sara and me laugh nonetheless.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

30 Reasons why B-day #30 was the best!

My 30th birthday was a few days ago and was one of the most enjoyable birthdays I can remember having. Sara really went all out to make my birthday special, and all that she did really meant a lot to me. I thought I'd tell a little about it here:

  1. First, I got to sleep in on the big day for the first time in I'm not sure how long. There's something really lovely about sleeping until 9:15.

  2. Sara brought me some Starbucks after I woke up.

  3. Sara and I got to go out for a lunch date. We each got our drivers' licenses renewed (mine expired on my birthday), and then we had some good Red Robin lunch (happened to bump into my mom there).

  4. This was my first birthday with Caleb on the scene, and I got to spend some good time with him and Gabie.

  5. Sara hosted a big, extended family birthday party for me at her parents' house, and like 30 people came. That really meant a lot to me, even if they did only show up for the pizza.

  6. We bought 10 pizzas for the party for only 50 bucks. Gotta love Little Caesars.

  7. My Grandma and Grandpa Hogan were at the party. This past Fall, we had a health scare with my grandpa that has caused me to be extremely grateful for every opportunity I get to build a relationship with him and my grandma.

  8. I got presents at the party.

  9. One of them was a Wii. Holy cow, I was totally surprised. I was like the kid from the Christmas Story movie, hoping for a Red Robin BB Gun, but convinced it wasn't going to happen. Sara had me pretty duped. The card she gave me for my birthday had a check in it with a note to buy myself one, but I didn't intend on cashing it. Then, she said "We have one more present for you." (It was from Sara, her sister, my mom, and mother-in-law.) The box was pretty small, so when I saw it, I didn't have the slightest hope of it being a Wii, but it was, and I was pretty thrilled. I'm not sure if it's okay for 30 year olds to get excited about toys, but I sure did. Thanks to Beck for being the hero to find a Wii where there was no Wii.

  10. The next day, we went home and had a great family day together.

  11. That night, I overheard Sara on the baby monitor, talking about me on the phone. It sounded sneaky, and in retrospect, I shouldn't have listened, but I couldn't not listen. Turns out Sara had another surprise lined up for me...She arranged for my best man, my best friend from childhood, Justin, to come out from Maine to spend the long weekend with us. I wasn't supposed to find out until her showed up at the door on Saturday morning, but it worked out well to know a couple days in advance.

  12. On Friday, I finished a very daunting report I had been working on for the grant that has funded my work for the past 3 years. It felt pretty good to press that "submit" button and put it behind me. Ahhh.

  13. On Saturday, Justin came into town. It made me really proud to get to introduce him to my boys and for them to get to meet and spend time with him. I loved getting to spend the 4 days with him, too. It's great to get to be around a friend who's known you since you were a punk kid. We have lots of good memories.

  14. My mom came out for lunch and we got some good lunch from MacArthurs.

  15. On Saturday night, Sara had another birthday party for me, to which friends were invited. Three other couples and 7 other kids showed up.

  16. It was a lot of fun watching Gabe play with all the kids while they were here. He seemed to really enjoy it.

  17. The fellas all played Wii. It was too fun. Boxing makes you tired.

  18. We got 5 pizzas for 25 bucks. You gotta love Little Caesars.

  19. For a final birthday surprise, Sara acquired some Blackhawks tickets for Justin and me to attend the game on Sunday night. They were skybox seats. Need I say more? It's honestly the second NHL game I've ever watched, but it was quite fun.

  20. I was just really touched by Sara's love, generosity, and thoughtfulness this birthday. It truly encouraged and blessed me. I realize how fortunate I am to have a wife, family, and friends who care about me, and I don't take that for granted in the least.

  21. For reasons 22-30, I'll post pics from the festivities below. (Each picture counts as 3 reasons.)