Friday, January 25, 2008

Need discernment

For the most part, living where we live is good. I like it.

But sometimes living in the " 'hood" sucks. Nothing happened to me; it's just that sometimes you see and hear stuff that is pretty terrible...stuff that really makes you wonder if it's best to stay.

I need discernment to know whether this is where God wants us. Because if He doesn't, then I'm intent on leaving. But if He does, then I need the resolve to keep us here.


Anonymous said...

We will be praying that the Lord will really be guiding you. It is very hard to know His will sometimes. Know that we love you and pray for you daily.
Love Sandi

Anonymous said...

You have 2 beautiful children. If there is any way their lives could be in danger, that should tell you what God wants you to do.
Phyllis & Terry

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
I'm a blog stalker :-) We've never really talked about it before, but I am always telling people I know about the work you do and the great ministry you have by living where you do. Whenever I come and visit, I am in awe of what God has done and is doing through you and Sara and the boys. I think is so powerful. Bret and I were just talking about this the other day--how amazing it would have been to teach at Piccolo and live in the same neighborhood as my students. With that said, I am nervous to even visit Piccolo with Ben. My old students have asked that I come and bring my baby, but I see things in a new light now that I have him and am hesitant to have him there, just in case something were to happen.
I will be praying for you guys and this decision.

Anonymous said...

Your honesty moves me and I want you to know I'm praying for you; have been for years. God sees the whole picture, not just in part. You have given a great piece of your heart to the community in which you serve, and ultimately to the Lord; that won't change no matter what the geography. God will continue to use your service, no matter where you are positioned with your family. Having said that, I remember the first time I came into your neighborhood; I was terrified, but my faith was smaller then, too. I've since learned and believe with all my heart that we are in God's grip no matter where we are or what we are doing. He has put each one here to glorify Him (#1) and to fulfill the purpose for which He has created us. As your mother and your children's Oma, I would prefer a different environment for your family, especially for the boys, one in which they could wander more freely, perhaps an environment like you and Christy had in Maine; but lest we be fooled, there is no security in this world, save Jesus Christ. We tell ourselves that one road is better than another or that one road is safer than another and there may an element of truth in that, but the only road that brings us any hope at all is the road we walk with the Lord. I will continue to pray for wisdom for you and Sara as you seek Him in making a decision. He already knows what is best for your today, your tomorrow and the years ahead. There are terrible things to witness and 'bad things' that happen no matter where we live, just some areas are more prevalent than others. The greater considerations to make would be the boys education, friends to play with, etc. It seems as if the current circumstances won't allow them the opportunities that another situation may provide. That's just my prayerful response. You know how proud I am of all you've done for Christ in Circle Urban. Even if you were to leave now, your ministry will live on for years to come; as I've told you before, eternity will reveal what your efforts for Jesus have produced. I believe, Dan, when you stand before your Heavenly Father one day, He will say, "Well done, my good and faithful Servant".

I love you, son. Love, Mom

christian said...

My totally biased opinion is STAY. But, God's opinion means more.
Anyway, check out this Piper sermon that spoke to me...

Amy Kate said...

From a blogstalker...
Dan, I have to say that as someone who frequently questions and stumbles in her faith, the decision you and Sara made for your family to live in the area you serve is one of the most striking demonstrations of faith and God's love in action that I've seen. That said, it is easy for others who are in more insulated neighborhoods to look in and say, "Stay." We're not living there and seeing what you and the boys see every day and wondering/worrying how that will affect them.
The answer will come to you, and please know that your family will thrive and be strong wherever you serve your ministry.