Saturday, February 02, 2008

A Couple Things

First, thanks to all of you who commented on my last post. I appreciate all of your encouraging words and the concern you have for my family. I think that I got more comments on that post than I had previously received altogether. Maybe I need to vent more in this forum...

I recognize that my last post may lead some people to believe we're living in Compton or something (that's a reference to gangsta rap from the early '90's for those of you who don't know...I've never been to Compton, unless you count vicarious experiences listening to dub tapes of Eazy-E and Ice Cube as a punk kid growing up in small town sounded like a pretty rough place)...But my point is that, yes, things go on in our neighborhood that are quite disconcerting, but not to the extent that the boys are being exposed to them or put directly in harm's way; I hope and pray that I won't be careless or reckless in my responsibility to care for Sara and the boys.

Still waiting for a renewed sense of clear direction; there's nothing like a sense of calling to keep you in a place that isn't always comfortable. Again, thanks for all the comments and encouragement.

On another note, I found videos of a couple of my favorite speakers/authors that I would love to share. The first one is Brennan Manning (wrote The Ragamuffin Gospel); Sara and I heard him give this talk at a retreat for young adults in our first year of marriage. This talk is about the love of God. In my opinion, one of the best talks I've ever heard.

The second one is by Shane Claiborne, sort of a hippie-type guy who I think is a remarkable example of living out God's love for the poor and marginalized. He is our age, spent several months living and working with Mother Theresa and is now doing some good things in Philly. In this talk, he basically tells his story, which I think is pretty inspiring.

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