Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Face functions

Okay, so we're working on helping Gabe be able to identify the functions of each of the parts on his face (not including the forehead, cheeks, or chin...we'll get to those later). He's been cracking me up in the way he's been responding to are a couple of the more recent conversations Gabe and I have had on this topic:

Day 1:

Dan: Gabie, what part of your body do you use to see things?
Gabie: My eyes.
Dan: Good! Now what part of your body do you use to hear things?
Gabie: My ears.
Dan: Now what part of your body do you use to eat things?
Gabie: (Silent)
Dan: You know, where do you put food to eat it?
Gabie: In the micwowave.

Next Day:

Same conversation, got the eyes and ears again...this time I asked him, "Which part of your body do you use to smell?"

His answer? "My butt."

I really couldn't argue with that.

1 comment:

christian said...

Holy cow, funny stuff! Keep it up Gabie!