Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Funny things Gabe said

These are probably "you had to be there" funny, so if you decide to keep reading, you've been forwarned.

I came home from work tonight and Gabe was lining up all of his alphabet flash cards. They all have letters with colorful pictures of word that start with those letters. He pointed out the card the has the "Parent Instructions" on it (no colorful pictures), and I go, jokingly, "What a rip-off!"

Hey kept playing with the cards, and came to the parent card again and said, "This one got tore off; Daddy need to fix it." I thought his understanding of rip-off was pretty cute.

Later, as we talked as he laid down for bed, he said, "Is Mommy your friend?" I said, "Yes, but she's more than my friend, she's my wife. Do you know what that means?" He replied, "Hmm?" So I told him, "It means that we're married and we'll be together until Jesus takes us to heaven." And Gabe says, "No. He just stay in the Bible." You've gotta love 2-year old theology.

1 comment:

christian said...

Kids' theology rocks! Aidan and I just recently had a conversation about how God gives us new hearts so that we can love him as we are supposed to and, of course, Aidan was confused as to how God was going to take out his heart.

Ah, explaining the new covenant to kids!